Celebrate our History, Plan for our Future,
Preserve our Legacy
Click HERE for the Annual Pledge Form
Click HERE for the Capital Campaign Form
Fall, 2022: Celebrate our History, Plan for our Future,
Preserve our Legacy
A November Note from your Stewardship & Finance Committee
What a wonderful continuation of KPC’s 150th-anniversary celebration during October and there is more to come during November! It truly is a season for us to reflect on the many blessings that KPC enjoys!
Highlights included a series of Minutes for Mission where we learned much about the history and the essential core ministries of this special church. Our resident historian, Don Coe told the story that began with a meeting of six men on the third floor of a Katonah storefront, back in 1872 and ultimately resulted in the founding of KPC! Longtime member and handbell ringer, Mark White, shared about the traditions of the bell program – an integral ministry in the life of this church. We celebrated KPC’s Christian Education ministry with a salute and thank you to every volunteer teacher for their dedicated commitment to nurturing the faith journeys of many, many KPC children! And finally, we focused our thoughts on mission and service when Susan Polos, representing the Church & Society Committee, spoke about the programs and institutions whose roots grow deep here at KPC.
Fall is also the time when we launch our annual campaigns and each of us is asked to dedicate our estimates of giving that will support the ongoing work of all the vital ministries of our beloved church.
By this time, you have received your Annual Stewardship and Capital Campaign materials. Included in this packet are two commitment cards, an invitation to the November 20th Celebration Luncheon (please RSVP at kpccelebrationluncheon@gmail.com) and frequently asked questions documents that fully detail both programs:
The burgundy card is for making your Annual Fall Stewardship Campaign Estimate of Giving for 2023. Please complete this card to indicate your estimated giving to the operations budget and to mission outreach. Because the operations budget is the lifeline of our church, please complete this card first, before you decide on your giving to the capital campaign.
The blue card is for providing your two-year giving estimate to the Capital Campaign which will financially support planning for our future and preserving our legacy by making needed improvements to our church facilities.
Sunday, November 13th is Dedication Sunday and marks the special time to return your estimate of giving cards. (please use the enclosed envelope) If you are not able to be present that day, please mail them to the church office, visit www.katonahpresbyterian.org to complete your estimate of giving online or place the cards in the offering plate as soon thereafter as possible.
As Dr. DeGarmo wrote in the packet’s cover letter – “I ask you to give prayerful and thoughtful consideration to your pledge. If at all possible, I hope you will be moved to increase your pledge as a vote of confidence in KPC’s future. Whatever you decide, I encourage you to give joyfully, knowing that every dollar goes to support God’s work through KPC.”
Thank you for your generous donation of energy, dedication, faith, and financial commitment to the church we love!
The Stewardship and Finance Committee Cochairs,
Sarah Munson and Debra Lang