We provide a place for all children to come every Sunday morning Our formal Sunday School begins in preschool and runs through 5th grade. We use the Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living curriculum to challenge our elementary youth to connect our beloved stories and principles to our everyday lives. We regularly connect what is learned in these lessons to service projects.
Our amazing volunteer church school staff, Christian education elders and Director of Christian Education foster community, discussion, and discipleship in the time they spend together each week. Our church school meets during our worship; students are dismissed to the classrooms after the children’s sermon. A middle school class meets at this time, too, while our high school students are invited to assist with the elementary classes. The high school group meets after the service for "Bibles and Bagels".

If you need assistance with an infant, please speak with one of the Christian Education elders.

Bible stories, songs, crafts, games, and an opportunity to socialize and play with age-appropriate toys for children ages 2 - 4

K - 5th
Elementary school children gather in a multi-age class for Bible lessons, interactive games, art and theatrical projects, and service projects.