Sunday Morning
Our Middle School youth (6-8th grade) spend time working through the foundations of our faith and understanding what we believe as Presbyterians following Christ’s call. We build on their knowledge of the Bible stories and the ministry of Jesus and place it in the context of how we live out that faith in today’s world. The questions and conversations are amazing!
Our High School youth serve as teacher assistants in our church school program. They work alongside our church school teachers helping to plan the lesson, taking attendance, helping with activities, and any other need that may arise.
Confirmation Class
We offer a Confirmation Class each year. It is typically offered to our 8th grade youth. Older youth seeking to be confirmed in the Presbyterian Church are always welcome to join in our classes.
Middle School Youth Group
The Middle School Youth Group meets two Friday nights a month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. We join together for a time of worship, fellowship, food, games, and activities. We have had fun with game nights, bowling, making apple pies and other goodies to raise money for our ESP shelter dinner, movie nights, retreat weekends, and other great evenings together.

High School Youth Group
Our High School youth meet every Sunday, following worship, from 11:15 to noon for Bibles and Bagels. It is a time to check in for the week, explore faith topics, and build lasting relationships.
Our High School youth also do various fellowship and hands-on mission activities throughout the year, such as Midnight Run.

Service Trips
We participate in annual hands-on service trips for our high school youth and adult chaperones, with our partners such as Bridges to Community. We have traveled both domestically and internationally, including the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Miami, and Appalachia. This work has a direct impact right in the community where we work. We make a tangible difference in the lives of others, and experience a life-changing opportunity to give back globally.